
We want backup or local Files automatically to the Azure Cloud.


(Setup Azure Storage Account)[]


1. Configure Security

Add to your Account the IAM Role: Storage Blob Data Contributor

2. (Install AzCopy)[]

3. Login to Azure with AzCopy

run in terminal

azcopy login

4. Make Container

run the following command in Terminal and repalce with the name of your Azure Storage Account.

azcopy make "https://<account>"

(Cron Backup Script)[]

1. add Bash Script

add the following Code as a File called

source=$2      # Which directory shall be saved?

weekday=$(date +"%a")
day=$(date +"%d")
month=$(date +"%m")

function backup ()
 azcopy mkdir "$destination"
  azcopy sync "$source/" "$destination" --recursive --delete-destination=true --exclude="/dev/*;/proc/*;/sys/*;/tmp/*;/run/*;/mnt/*;/media/*;/lost+found;/home/*/.local/share/Trash/;/home/*/.cache/*" >"./_last_backup.txt" 2>&1
  echo -e '\n'-- '\n'last backup: $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") >> "./_last_backup.txt"
  azcopy cp ./_last_backup.txt $destination/_last_backup_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d").txt

if [[ $day != 01 && $day != 09 && $day != 16 && $day != 24 ]]; then
 backup $weekday

case "$day" in 09) backup 09 ;; esac
case "$day" in 16) backup 16 ;; esac
case "$day" in 24) backup 24 ;; esac
case "$month" in 02|04|06|08|10|12)
 case "$day" in 01)
 backup Mg
 ;; esac
;; esac
case "$month" in 01|03|05|07|09|11)
 case "$day" in 01)
 backup Mu
 ;; esac
;; esac

2. make Bash Script executable

run in Terminal

chmod +x

3. schedule CronJob for automation

run in Terminal

export EDITOR=vim
crontab -e

type in and replace with the path to the Script, with the Azure Storage Account and the Directory to be saved without the ending /

0 */6 * * * /<path_to>/ <account> <source>


I am a self taught programmer passionate about CleanCode, striving towards perfection by improving in small steps.

Gott50 xxGott50xx
